Are you suffering from dizziness?
Here at One Body Chiropractic we understand how debilitating this can be, which is why we are dedicated to helping you recover naturally.
Do you experience any of the following?
Dizziness or vertigo is the abnormal sensation of movement. It is often described as if you or the room are spinning.
It can be hard to differentiate true vertigo/dizziness from other issues such as a loss of balance, feeling lightheaded, or in extreme cases ‘blacking out’ with loss of memory. Brain fog, or ‘fuzziness’ as it’s often called within (ABC™) is the inability to think clearly, communicate easily, or remember well.
There often seems to be crossover and similarity in the presentations of dizziness/vertigo and brain fog/fuzziness.
There are many types of dizziness ranging from cervicogenic dizziness, benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), Meniere’s disease, blood pressure related (hypotensive), and infection or viral related.
Common causes of dizziness:
There are many causes of dizziness and there can be multiple reasons at play for an individuals issues. The more common reasons are:
Poor posture – relating to neck/cervical spine dysfunction
Side effect of prescription medications
Ear infections
Low blood pressure
Inner ear dysfunction
When serious neurological or pathological reasons for dizziness and or brain fog/fuzziness can be ruled out, the likely issue is poor posture. Specifically, cervicogenic dizziness, which means coming from the neck or cervical spine.
Poor alignment of the spine can lead to aberrant function of the nervous system which plays a key role in a persons perception of where they are in space, thus resulting in the feeling of dizziness.
At One Body Chiropractic our goal is to fix bodies and help prevent your dizziness from returning. In order to help you experience results outside of our practice, our team will equip you with knowledge on how to prevent future injuries, give you sound ergonomic advice, as well as prescribe specific rehabilitation exercises just for you.
For your next appointment with our chiropractors, book online today.